
  • 网络AIP;submarine
  1. 不依赖空气的推进系统,即AIP(AirIndependentPropulsionSystem)系统的出现为常规潜艇的动力系统提供了有效的解决方案。

    AIP ( Air Independent Propulsion System ) system provides effective solutions for power system of conventional submarine .

  2. 常规潜艇AIP系统的关键技术初探

    Research on the technique of AIP for the conventional submarine

  3. 常规潜艇水下状态对人体24h动态心电图窦性心率和心率变异性的影响

    Influence of underwater voyage of conventional submarine on the sinus rhythm and heart rate variability in 24-hour electrocardiogram of the crew

  4. AIP装置应用于常规潜艇上时,废气的隐蔽排放是关键性技术。

    When AIP equipment is adopted onboard the conventional submarines , the stealth emitting of the exhaust gas is a critical technology .

  5. 介绍了常规潜艇的各种AIP系统的原理与组成,并对其关键技术氧气的贮存以及废气处理技术进行了重点阐述。

    The key techniques of the AIP technique of oxygen storage and exhaust gas management are stated in this paper , as well as the principle of the AIP .

  6. 方法运用自编调查问卷、症状自评量表(SCL-90)、艾森克个性问卷(EPQ)对海军某部勤务船、驱逐舰与常规潜艇舰员382名进行测量。

    Methods We analyzed date of 382 navy crew from duty ship , destroyer and normal regulations submarine warship members questionnaires ( SCL-90 , EPQ and other supplemental questionnaire tailored for the project ) .

  7. 因此,研究开发新型常规潜艇不依赖空气推进系统(AIP),已成为提高和完善常规潜艇战术使命的必然趋势。

    Therefore , R & D of Air Independent Propulsion ( AIP ) has already become an inevitable tendency for modern conventional submarines to increase and improve their tactic missions .

  8. 当AIP装置提供航行功率时暴露率将减小,而选择AIP装置功率要考虑常规潜艇的航速要求。

    The indiscretion rate may be decreased with the power supplied by the AIP , so the power rating should be selected according to the requirement of the cruise speed of conventional submarines .

  9. PERMASYN船用推进永磁电动机是世界上第一台成功应用于常规潜艇推进系统的新型高功率密度电动机。

    PERMASYN motor is the first new type of high power density motors successfully used in conventional submarine propulsion system .

  10. 不依赖空气推进装置(AIP)是常规潜艇极有前景的动力装置,它可以降低常规潜艇的通气管暴露率,从而提高常规潜艇的生存能力以及战术灵活性,进而提高其战斗力。

    The air independent propulsion system ( AIP ) is of significance for the modern conventional submarine propulsion systems . It can improve the battle effectiveness of the submarine via reducing the exposure ratio and improving the viability and agility of the tactics .

  11. 提出小型常规潜艇或潜水器可选用的3种AIP方案评价性能指标体系,运用模糊多目标多人决策的模糊线性分配法,建立了各种AIP方案优选的综合评估模型;

    This paper puts forward to the evaluation function index signs of 3 kinds of AIP projects on the miniature regulation submarine or diving equipment and applies Fuzzy line allotment method of Fuzzy multi-objective many-person decision making to establish the comprehensive valuation model in all kinds of AIP projects .

  12. 常规潜艇攻势布雷效能评估的柔性仿真框架设计

    Framework layout of flexible simulation model on efficacy evaluation in submarine-lay-ing-mine

  13. 基于任务成功性的常规潜艇任务剖面构建

    On technology of constructing success oriented mission profile of conventional submarine

  14. 常规潜艇排水量和主尺度的确定新方法

    A New Method for Determination of Displacement and Principal Dimensions of Submarines

  15. 燃料电池&21世纪常规潜艇的新能源

    Fuel Cell & New Energy Sources in Ordinary Submarine in 21st Century

  16. 常规潜艇动力系统的信息化平台

    A Review on the Information Control of Submarine Power System

  17. 常规潜艇总体任务可靠性的建模与仿真

    Modeling and Simulation on General Mission Reliabilities of Normal Submarines

  18. 基于消息中间件的常规潜艇作战资源信息系统

    A Study of Normal Submarine Warfare Resource Information System Based on Message Middleware

  19. 当代外军常规潜艇技术及发展

    The technology and development of contemporary external conventional submarines

  20. 常规潜艇舱室大气环境控制技术与研究

    Study on the Cabin Atmosphere Control Technology of Submarines

  21. 常规潜艇计算机辅助设计的数学型线生成

    Computer-Aided Generation of Body-Plan for a Conventional Submarine

  22. 常规潜艇研制风险评估方法

    An applied risk evaluating method of routine submarine

  23. 常规潜艇柴油机排气系统集水箱功能探析

    Function Analysis of the Water Collecting Box Used in Conventional Submarine Diesel Exhaust System

  24. 详细分析了常规潜艇作战能力的评价体系;

    This article proposes a global analysis system of operational effectiveness for conventional submarine .

  25. 常规潜艇的发展趋势

    The Trend of Development of Conventional Submarines

  26. 蓄冷技术应用于常规潜艇的方案设计

    Design on Ice Storage Applied to Submarine

  27. 本文是计算机辅助常规潜艇数学型线生成的一次尝试性的研究。

    Results of a tentative study on mathematical molded lines for a conventional submarine is presented .

  28. 常规潜艇废气涡轮增压柴油机排气冷却消声器的功用分析

    Analysis of Functions of Exhaust Cooled Muffler for Exhaust-Gas Turbo-Charging Diesel Engine Used in Conventional Submarine

  29. 在水下发射测试首先从一艘弦号200“高尔夫”级常规潜艇上进行。

    The underwater launch test was firstly carried out from the No.200 Golf class conventional submarine .

  30. 新型常规潜艇长航60昼夜对艇员体能耐力及心理工效的影响

    Effects of 60-day navigation on a new-type diesel submarine on physical tolerance and psychological ergonomics of submariners