
mín zú xiāo wánɡ
  • national extinction
  1. 在经历了为期数年的急速海外扩张后,这些银行在一夜之间轰然倒塌,猛然揭示了令人不安的事实:银行可以作为全球企业存在,但只能作为民族企业消亡。

    Their implosion , after years of rapid expansion abroad , rammed home the unpleasant truth that banks may be global in life but are national in death .

  2. 但是,一旦丧失了自己的传统文化,就意味着该民族文化的消亡。

    But if the traditional is lost , the ethnic culture is dead .

  3. 全球化与民族国家的消亡

    Globalization and States and Nations Withering

  4. 时值中国民族品牌的消亡与新生在经历着一个艰难的演变过程,它也在重新构筑着中国的国家形象。

    The dying and rebirth of Chinese national brand is experiencing a difficult process of evolution , it is also building the national image .

  5. 国际上许多国家正加快对我国传统医药的研究步伐,然而,当前我国许多民族医药面临消亡的危险,究其原因是创新机制的缺失。

    Many countries in the world are furthering their study of traditional Chinese medicine while a lot of these medicines are on the verge of extinction .

  6. 经济全球化对国家行使其职能带来了严重挑战,但它并不能导致民族国家的消亡。

    The economic globalization brings a severe challenge to the exercise of the functions of state , but it can not cause the dying out of national states .

  7. 在现代化进程中,民族文化逐步在消亡。

    Ethnic culture is declining in the course of modernization .

  8. 新的世纪中,外来文化风急势猛,民族文化面临着消亡的危机。

    National culture is now facing a crisis because of the prevalence of the alien cultures .

  9. 新词的融入会带来一部分本民族词汇的的消亡,但是也可以从中得出黎语自身的语言系统对黎语发展的积极作用。

    New words into the part will lead to the demise of native vocabulary , but also have positive roles in the li language system .

  10. 不断变化的环境带来的是不断变化的民族档案,民族没有消亡,民族档案亦不会消失,民族档案是一种活着的民族文化符号。

    The changing environment is brought about by the changing Minority archives , the national not die , Minority archives will not disappear , the Minority archives is a kind of living culture symbols .

  11. 民间传统文化是民族精神的重要支柱,它的消亡也就意味着特定民族的消亡。

    Traditional folk culture is a important pillar of national spirit .

  12. 由于教育活动所特有的性质和特点,决定着教育活动在民族形成过程、民族发展过程和民族消亡过程中都发挥着不可取代的重要作用。

    The educational activity has special nature and features , which determines that it plays an unsubstitutable part in the formation , development and dying process of a nationality .

  13. 不同民族文学之间的相互渗透和影响,不仅不是文学民族性消亡的导因,相反,倒常常是文学民族性得以发展和提升的契机。

    The fact that different national Literature interplays and influences each other is not the cause of the disappearance of literary nationalism . On the contrary , it is the opportunity for the development and promotion of the national literature .

  14. 在全球经济一体化的进程中,传统民族文化的传承和发展也遭遇了前所未有的挑战,大批民族文化开始消亡或频临消亡的边缘。

    During the economic globalization , the transmitting and development of traditional culture also suffered unprecedented the challenge . Most of national culture began to die or in the edge of dying .