
diàn xiàn
  • wire;electric wire;electric line;lead;flex;current lead;cable cord
电线 [diàn xiàn]
  • [wire;flex;cable cord;electric line] 传导电流的导线

电线[diàn xiàn]
  1. 别碰那根电线,不然会触电的。

    Don 't touch that wire or you 'll get a shock .

  2. 这电线连接着扬声器。

    The wire led to a speaker .

  3. 大风刮断电线,引起了火灾。

    Winds brought down power lines , sparking a fire .

  4. 电力通过地下电缆传输给这条电线。

    Power is fed into the electricity line through an underground cable .

  5. 电线够得着插座吗?

    Is the cable long enough to reach the socket ?

  6. 这条电线的电源是通过地下电缆传输的。

    The electricity line is fed with power through an underground cable .

  7. 电线短路,烧坏了。

    The wires had short-circuited and burnt out .

  8. 你家里的电线应该每十到十五年更新一次。

    The wiring in your house should be renewed every ten to fifteen years .

  9. 墙上插座的电线短路烧断了保险丝,电灯跟着灭了。

    The wire snapped at the wall plug and the light fused

  10. 他把连着报警按钮的电线扯掉了。

    He ripped away a wire that led to the alarm button

  11. 一个小青年正在车里试图用电线短路的方法发动汽车。

    A youth was inside the car , attempting to hot-wire it .

  12. 她学会了自己给房子拉接电线、敷设水管。

    She learned to wire and plumb the house herself .

  13. 电线杆顶端的电线相互交错,形成电线网。

    Wires criss-cross between the tops of the poles , forming a grid

  14. 大风刮倒了树木和电线。

    High winds have knocked down trees and power lines

  15. 然后袭击者企图用电线勒死她。

    The attacker then tried to throttle her with wire

  16. 电线里的电脉冲以接近光速的速度传输。

    An electrical pulse in a wire travels close to the speed of light

  17. 原来的计算机和电话系统如今只剩下乱糟糟的一团电线。

    A tangle of wires is all that remains of the computer and phone systems

  18. 卡车撞到了电线杆上。

    The truck crashed into a telegraph pole

  19. 插头坏了,带电的电线露在外面。

    The plug broke , exposing live wires

  20. 墙上插头处的电线啪地发出一道蓝光,电灯的保险丝烧断了。

    The wire snapped at the wall plug with a blue flash and the light fused

  21. 电线在我头顶上方冒着火花。

    The wires were sparking above me

  22. 风吹落了电线。

    The winds downed power lines .

  23. 有个人把宠物放在楼梯下面,结果它在那儿把电线咬断了。

    One owner left his pet under the stairs where the animal chewed through electric cables .

  24. 科学家们说,并没有确凿的证据表明输电线和癌症之间有什么联系。

    Scientists say there is no convincing evidence that power lines have anything to do with cancer

  25. 叛乱分子炸毁了输电线。

    The rebels dynamited power lines

  26. 那些持枪歹徒停下来只是切断了连接到房子里的电线,然后消失在乡间。

    The gunmen paused only to cut the wires to the house , then vanished into the countryside .

  27. 他的车猛地撞到灯柱上,扯断了带电的电线,数千伏高压电流骤然通过车身。

    Thousands of volts surged through his car after he careered into a lamp post , ripping out live wires

  28. 我们的主人从房里牵出一根延长电线,架起屏幕和投影仪。

    Our host ran a long extension cord out from the house and set up a screen and a projector .

  29. “有电线从里面伸出来吗?”——“什么?”——“有电线从里面伸出来吗?”

    ' Does it have wires coming out of it ? ' — ' Pardon me ? ' — ' Does it have wires coming out of it ? '

  30. 汽车撞到电线杆上了。

    The car bumped into the telegraph pole .