
ā sài bài jiāng
  • Azerbaijan;Azerbaidzhan
阿塞拜疆[ā sài bài jiāng]
  1. 纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫是阿塞拜疆境内亚美尼亚人聚居的一块飞地。

    Nagorno-Karabakh is an Armenian enclave inside Azerbaijan .

  2. 阿塞拜疆没有举行民主选举,是这些共和国中的异类。

    Azerbaijan has been the odd man out , the one republic not to hold democratic elections

  3. 阿塞拜疆将通过TAP,即跨亚得里亚海管道开始向欧洲提供天然气。

    Azerbaijan will begin delivering its natural gas to Europe via the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline , or TAP .

  4. 在2013年,人们预计将花费一千亿美元来建造该岛,比阿塞拜疆的GDP高得多的多。

    In 2013 , it was estimated to cost $ 100 billion , significantly higher than the country 's entire GDP .

  5. 上周早些时候,阿塞拜疆政府证实,它将购买圣詹姆士街(StJamesStreet)一栋1.8亿英镑的写字楼。

    Earlier this week , the government of Azerbaijan confirmed it was buying a £ 180m office block in St James Street .

  6. 三月,世卫组织确认阿塞拜疆七例人感染H5N1病毒病例,五人死亡。

    In March , the WHO confirmed seven cases of human H5N1 infection , and five deaths , in Azerbaijan .

  7. 高致病性H5N1禽流感最初于2月9日在阿塞拜疆首都巴库附近的沿海地区发现的野生鸟类中得到确认。

    Highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza was initially confirmed in Azerbaijan on9 February in wild birds found in the coastal area near the capital city of Baku .

  8. 如果几年后你能在巴库(阿塞拜疆首都)叫到著名的黑色出租车,却不能在伦敦鲍(Bow)区叫到的话,这便是原因之一。

    If , in a few years , you can hail a famous black taxi in Baku but not in the London borough of Bow , that will be one reason why .

  9. 阿塞拜疆的少数宠儿手中的财富来自石油与天然气,它们产自里海(caspian),通过管道送往土耳其。

    The wealth of a favored few in Azerbaijan derives from oil and gas , pumped out of the Caspian and through a pipeline to Turkey .

  10. 自3月初以来,阿塞拜疆卫生部对因可能感染H5N1禽流感病毒而接受观察的10个人进行了调查。

    Since the beginning of March , the Ministry of Health in Azerbaijian has been investigating a cluster of10 persons placed under observation for possible infection with the H5N1 avian influenza virus .

  11. 阿塞拜疆的齐拉岛(ziraisland)聘请丹麦的big建筑事务所,运用海风、连接附近里海的热力泵、太阳能热水加热系统以及光伏面板来建造一座零碳排放的城市。

    Zira Island , Azerbaijan Danish architects big have been hired to create a zero-carbon city using offshore wind , heat pumps connected to the surrounding Caspian Sea , solar water heating and PV panels .

  12. 欧盟的高层官员和石油丰富的阿塞拜疆,埃及,格鲁吉亚,土耳其等国的领导周五在ChevRepublic的会议上签署了此项协议。

    Top EU officials and leaders of gas rich Azaibajan and Egypt as well as Gerogia and Turkey signed the deal on Friday at a conference in Prog Chev Republic .

  13. 总的来说,Turkcell已经在土耳其、哈萨克斯坦、阿塞拜疆、格鲁吉亚和北塞浦路斯占据了市场领先地位,在乌克兰、白俄罗斯和摩尔多瓦也已站稳脚跟。

    Overall , turkcell leads the market in Turkey , Kazakhstan , Azerbaijan , Georgia and Northern Cyprus .

  14. 阿塞拜疆境内的Kura盆地,位于里海西缘,是夹持于大、小高加索山脉之间的山间裂谷盆地。

    The Kura basin which is located in Azerbaijan of west Caspian is clamped between the big Caucasia and small Caucasia .

  15. 他从其已故父亲Heydar那里继承了国家。Heydar是一个精明的苏联联合委员会总干事,其在苏联时期也管理阿塞拜疆。

    He inherited the presidency from his late father , Heydar , a shrewd KGB general who had also run Azerbaijan in Soviet times .

  16. Atropatene总督的辖地以及高加索的阿尔巴尼亚在公元前4世纪被建立,包括阿塞拜疆现在大部分的领土以及Dagestan以南的部分。

    The satrapies of Atropatene and Caucasian Albania were established in the4th century BC and included the approximate territories of present-day Azerbaijan and southern parts of Dagestan .

  17. Shindo在11月12日的一次新闻发布会上说,药物已经送往了阿富汗、蒙古、白俄罗斯和乌克兰,阿塞拜疆和吉尔吉斯斯坦也很快将得到药物。

    Supplies have been sent to Afghanistan , Mongolia , Belarus and Ukraine and others will soon be dispatched to Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan , Shindo told a press briefing ( 12 November ) .

  18. 纳希契凡(Nakhichevan)自治共和国(位于阿塞拜疆国家外的领土)在北面和东面和亚美尼亚接壤,伊朗位于它的南面和西面,土耳其则在它的西北面。

    The Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic ( an exclave of Azerbaijan ) borders Armenia to the north and east , Iran to the south and west , and Turkey to the northwest .

  19. 紧接着经历了两场和波斯喀伽(Qajar)王朝以及俄王朝之间的战争,在1813年俄国通过Gulistan条约以及1828年的土耳其条约占领了阿塞拜疆。

    Following the two wars between the Qajar dynasty of Persia and the Russian Empire , Azerbaijan was acquired by Russia through the Treaty of Gulistan in1813 , and the Treaty of Turkmenchay in1828 .

  20. 它西面与土耳其接壤,北边与乔治亚州相临,东面靠阿塞拜疆,南边则靠伊朗(波斯)和阿塞拜疆的纳希契凡(Nakhichevan)领土。

    It is bordered by Turkey to the west , Georgia to the north , Azerbaijan to the east and Iran ( Persia ), and the Nakhichevan exclave of Azerbaijan to the south .

  21. 近来,阿塞拜疆国家石油公司的官员们宣布即将上马一个格鲁吉亚Kulevi原油码头钢板桩的保护项目。

    Recently , officials from the State Oil Company of Azerbaijian announced a project is underway to protect the Kulevi Oil Terminal harbor in Georgia from potential corrosion to its steel sheet piles .

  22. 阿塞拜疆首都巴库将安装西门子公司的路线连接策略控制系统(DUSC),用于帮助管理这座飞速扩张的城市的交通。

    A Dial-Up Strategic Control system ( DUSC ) from Siemens will be installed in Baku , the capital of Azerbaijan , to help manage traffic in the rapidly expanding city .

  23. 中文普通话和阿塞拜疆语广播也于今天停播。

    Mandarin Chinese and Azeri language broadcasts on radio also stopped today .

  24. 阿塞拜疆18岁以上的公民都具有普选权。

    Azerbaijan has universal suffrage above the age of eighteen .

  25. 在阿塞拜疆,反对党经常遭到骚扰和关押。

    In Azerbaijan , opposition activists are regularly harassed and locked up .

  26. 这些支票都在阿塞拜疆和亚美尼亚兑了现。

    The checks were cashed at banks overseas in Azerbaijan and armenia .

  27. 在经过近20年制止阿塞拜疆纳戈尔诺卡拉巴赫省的分裂后,

    Almost 20 years after fighting stopped over Azerbaijan 's breakaway Nagorno-Karabakh province ,

  28. 国会由阿塞拜疆的人民选举产生。

    The people of Azerbaijan elect the National Assembly .

  29. 比如瑞典小姐啊,阿根廷小姐啊,阿塞拜疆小姐啊。

    Miss Sweden , Miss Argentina , Miss Azerbaijan .

  30. 那里的武装阿塞拜疆人和亚美尼亚人相隔壕沟彼此注视。

    where armed Azeris and armed Armenians face each other across trench lines .