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  • Apollo program
阿波罗计划 [ā bō luó jì huà]
  • [Apollo program] 美国的一项科学技术计划,包括把人送上月球并安全返回地球

  1. 今日小常识从1961年到1927年,美国的阿波罗计划从月球上取回了380多公斤的岩石标本。这些带回来的标本对研究月球的起源和构造有很大帮助。

    The Apollo missions between 1969 and 1972 returned over 380kg of rocks from the Moon , which have been used to help us understand its origins and structure .

  2. 1966年,美国百分之五十的GDP被用于投资阿波罗计划。

    In 1966 , the US invested about a half a percent of gross domestic product in the Apollo program .

  3. 由英国多位著名科学家和经济学家撰写、题为《应对气候变化全球阿波罗计划》(AGlobalApolloProgrammetoCombatClimateChange)的报告,提出了一个大胆的解决方法。

    A report entitled " A Global Apollo Programme to Combat Climate Change , " written by a number of high-profile British scientists and economists , offers a bold answer .

  4. 拟议的阿波罗计划将是至关重要的一环。

    The proposed Apollo programme would be an essential element .

  5. 从20世纪60年代和70年代的阿波罗计划等早期太空计划,

    In early space programs , such as the Apollo missions of the 1960s and 1970s ,

  6. 但是造出一架可投入使用的原型机还需要许多年的时间,更不用说提出一项可与阿波罗计划相提并论的新航天计划了。

    But a working prototype - let alone a new Apollo-style programme - is many years away .

  7. 美宇航局的这次计划也只不过是在重复50多年前的阿波罗计划的成果。

    NASA 's programme to repeat many of the achievements of the Apollo era 50 years later ,

  8. 这个长远的愿景既是上世纪60年代阿波罗计划启动的背后原因,也支撑着马斯克的星际旅行梦想。

    This long-term vision lay behind Apollo in the 1960s and also underpins Mr Musk 's interplanetary vision .

  9. 你们有些人可能是熟悉的“阿波罗计划的地质研究”,月亮在20世纪60年代。

    Some of you may be familiar with the Apollo programs geological studies of the moon during the 1960s .

  10. 就好比我们经常说我们实施了阿波罗计划从而解决了这样那样的问题

    You know , you always have to say we did the Appollo Project to solve this problem that problem .

  11. 我们在月球和火星殖民的太空梦想随着阿波罗计划取消和1972年最后一次去月球表面而最终不了了之。

    Our space age dreams of off-world colonies on the moon and Mars faded with the cancellation of the Apollo Program and the last trip to the lunar surface in 1972 .

  12. 该公司表示,阿波罗计划将提供完整的软硬件服务解决方案,包括车辆平台、硬件平台、软件平台和云端数据服务。

    It said the Apollo project will provide a complete hardware and software service solution , which includes a vehicle platform , hardware platform , software platform and cloud data services .

  13. 但是近期的研究发现,阿波罗计划从月球上带回来的火山玻璃含有与地球岩浆一样多的水分。

    But recent studies have found that samples of volcanic glass , brought back from the moon on the Apollo missions , contain as much water as magma found here on Earth .

  14. 在美国国家航天局准备阿波罗航天计划时,他们让宇航员们去亚利桑那州纳瓦伙族保留区进行训练。

    When NASA was preparing for the Apollo Project , it took the astronauts to a Navajo reservation1 in Arizona for training .

  15. 1980年出品的苹果II其计算能力甚至超过了整个阿波罗登月计划使用的计算机

    The apple II of 1980 has more computing power than was used in the entire Apollo moon landing program .

  16. 让我们以RJWatchesSA制造的MoonOrbiter腕表为例,这款腕表的灵感源自实现了人类首次登月的阿波罗登月计划。

    Take RJ Watches SA 's Moon Orbiter , a watch inspired by the Apollo missions that took the first men to the moon .

  17. 阿波罗空间计划的动力来自航空业的发展

    The impetus for the Apollo Space Program came from aviation .

  18. 最后一次阿波罗登月计划1972年的今天,作为最后一次阿波罗登月计划的阿波罗17号发射升天。

    the last Apollo moon mission 1972 - Apollo 17 , the last Apollo moon mission , is launched .

  19. 最有可能的人是阿波罗登月计划中曾待在位于月球轨道上的指令舱里的6位宇航员了,他们分别是:迈克尔•科林斯、迪克•戈登、斯图尔特•罗萨、阿尔弗莱德•沃尔登、肯•马丁利和罗纳德•埃万斯。

    The most likely suspects are the six Apollo command module pilots who stayed in lunar orbit during a Moon landing : Mike Collins , Dick Gordon , Stu Roosa , Al Worden , Ken Mattingly , and Ron Evans .

  20. 这是第五次阿波罗载人航天计划,也是第三人类的探月旅行。

    It was the fifth human spaceflight of Project Apollo and the third human voyage to the Moon .

  21. 固铂成山的管理层和工人反对阿波罗的收购计划,称收购会让固铂背上太多债务。

    Management and the workforce at Chengshan had opposed the proposed takeover by Apollo , arguing that it would saddle Cooper with too much debt .

  22. 近日,百度公司宣布了一项名为阿波罗的新计划,旨在向其合作伙伴开放自动驾驶平台,此举是为了促进自动驾驶技术的发展。

    Baidu Inc announced a new project - Apollo - to open up its autonomous driving platform to its partners , a move to promote the development of self-driving technology .