
  • 网络Consultative sales;consultative selling;solution selling
  1. 顾问式销售模式已经引起了我国寿险公司的关注,但除少数几家外资寿险公司尝试应用外,大部分寿险公司仍处于观望状态。

    Consultative selling model has aroused the concern of life insurance companies , but with the exception of the few foreign life insurance companies trying to apply , the majority of life insurance companies are still in a state of watching .

  2. 第二部分论述了顾问式销售模式的基本理论、特点以及与传统销售模式的区别。

    In the second part , the basic theory , characteristics of the consultative selling model and differences with the traditional sales model are discussed .

  3. 于是,能够抓住购房者心理、满足购房需求,且能答疑解惑的顾问式销售应运而生。

    Thus , consultative sales emerged which can seize the mind of the buyers and fulfill the housing requirement , as well as answering questions .