
  • 网络industrial interaction
  1. 这一模式的内容包括:人与自然的互动、区域内部的互动、产业互动。依据互动模式的基本内容及其设想,要多种手段相结合,实现人与自然的互动;

    The content of this mode includes interaction of human beings with nature , interaction in the regions and industrial interaction .

  2. 外商投资中国生产性服务业影响因素研究&基于产业互动和系统观的视角

    Research on the Influencing Factors of Foreign Investment in the Producer Service Industry of China & From the Perspectives of Industrial Interaction and Systematic View

  3. 湘西苗族鼓舞与旅游产业互动发展研究

    Xiangxi Miao Encouraging Research and Development of the Tourism Industry Interaction

  4. 杜邦莱卡:化纤产业互动营销的经典案例

    Dupont Lycra : Typical Case on Mutual-Effort Marketing of Chemical Fiber

  5. 会展高等教育与区域会展产业互动研究

    Study on the Interaction between MICE Higher Education and Region MICE Industry

  6. 高校与地方冰雪产业互动发展的对策与研究

    Study on College and Local Interaction Development of Ice Industry

  7. 穗城的环境与房地产业互动发展

    The mutual development of environment and real estate in Guangzhou

  8. 湖南省城市化与第三产业互动关系研究

    Study on the Interactive Relationship between Urbanization and the Tertiary Industry in Hunan Province

  9. 文化旅游与文化产业互动的研究&以佛山文化旅游资源开发为例

    A study on the interactive development of culture tourism resource and culture industry & a case study of Foshan

  10. 从促进产业互动和根植性的角度,对天津航空产业如何培育产业集群进行了分阶段的发展思路探讨。

    This paper discusses the development ideas about Tianjin aviation industry in different stages from the perspective of promoting industry interaction and rooting .

  11. 走新型工业化道路是二、三产业互动升级、协调发展的过程。

    Taking a new road to industrialization is the process in which the second industry and the tertiary industry will interact and develop coordinately .

  12. 这一方面说明产权体制改革在我国产业互动发展过程中的必要性和重要性,进一步凸显了在经济转型时期其在体制变迁中的核心和主旋律的地位。

    This shows the necessity and importance of the property right reform in the industrial interaction , further highlighted in the period of the system changes .

  13. 先对我国制造业与服务业的产业互动发展现状及体制改革进程进行简单描述。

    It firstly carried on a simply description about the current condition of the interaction between the secondary industry and the tertiary industry and also the reform system of China .

  14. 接着从需求遵从论、供给主导论、产业互动论和产业融合论这四个视角分析了生产性服务业的产业关联机制。

    Then the industry linkage mechanisms are analyzed from the four perspectives - " demand-compliance theory "," supply-leading theory "," industry interaction theory " and " industrial integration theory " producer services .

  15. 提出要分清行业,注重城市内部分工,形成城市中心区-周边地区良好的产业互动发展。

    State that clearly understanding the characteristics of specific industry , paying attention to internal division of functions in a city , forming a good industrial development interaction between city centre-surrounding areas are very important .

  16. 产业互动论中又分为分工、专业化和市场迂回论、价值链理论和竞争优势、以及生态群落理论的视角。

    The " industry interaction theory " is divided into four perspectives-the theory labor division , specialization and market circuitous , the value chain , the competitive advantage , as well as the ecological community .

  17. 借鉴国内外港口城市港城关系优化发展的成功经验,总结出港城关系的优化发展主要是港城产业互动发展与港城空间协调的过程。

    In view of international successful experiences of optimized development relationship between port and city , this paper summarizes that optimized development between port and city is mainly the process of interaction between port industry and city industry and the spatial coordination between port and city .

  18. 成都市的城乡一体化建设,重点在产业互动、财政、金融、土地、公共服务与社会管理、社会保障、劳动就业、行政管理等方面进行探索,着力构建新型城乡关系。

    The urban-rural integration construction of Chengdu City , with emphasis on industry interaction , finance , banking , land , public services and social management , social security , employment , administration and other aspects of exploration , focuses on building a new urban-rural relation .

  19. 本文将城乡产业互动与城镇化两个方面有机地结合在一起,兼顾解决城乡二元经济结构和农村城镇化的问题,为加快城镇化进程提供了可供参考的理论和典型实例。

    In this paper , urban and rural industry interaction and urbanization are combined together . It resolves the problems that are to weaken dual-structure of industry and realize rural urbanization , and provides referenced theory and typical example which can push on the process of urbanization .

  20. 为了达到上述研究目的,本文将软件业集群技术学习机制作为研究的切入点,旨在通过探讨集群技术学习机制是怎样的或者应该是怎样的,为本文构筑软件业集群内部的产业互动链条提供思路。

    To attain above research purpose , the dissertation mainly analyses the mechanism of technological learning of the software industrial cluster , which includes what it is or what it should be , in order to provide some clews for building the industrial chain in software industrial clusters .

  21. 体育赞助与高校体育产业的互动与双赢

    Interaction and Win-Win Situation of Sports Sponsor and College Sports Industry

  22. 体育消费与体育产业发展互动的内在机理分析

    Analysis of Internal Mechanism of Sports Consumption and Sports Industry Development

  23. 农业保险与农业产业化互动机制探析

    A Study on Mechanisms of Interaction between Agriculture Insurance and Agriculture Industrialization

  24. 论日本动画资讯杂志与动画产业的互动关系

    The Interaction of Japanese Animation Magazine and the Animation Production

  25. 论大众媒介与体育产业的互动关系

    The Interactive Relationship between Mass Media and Sports Industry

  26. 广东省人才结构与产业结构互动效率分析

    Analysis of the Interaction between the Talent Structure and Industrial Structure in Guangdong Province

  27. 目的在西部旅游扶贫过程中,协调旅游开发与生态环境建设,促进两个产业的互动。

    Aim Harmonious developing tourism of Western China and the ecological environment and reciprocal promoting .

  28. 重庆市专业市场与产业集群互动发展研究

    Research on the Interactive Development of the Professional Market and the Industrial Cluster in Chongqing

  29. 临沂市文化事业与文化产业的互动机制研究

    A Study of the Interaction Mechanism between Cultural Undertakings and Cultural Industries of Linyi City

  30. 专业市场与产业集聚互动研究:来自浙江的案例

    A study on the interaction of specialized market and industry clustering : A case from Zhejiang Province