
miǎn zé shēnɡ mínɡ
  • disclaimer
  1. 免责声明书明确声明公司将不对任何差错负责。

    The disclaimer asserts that the company won 't be held responsible for any inaccuracies .

  2. 免责声明:你的大脑会努力劝你没必要写下所有东西。但你必须要写。

    Disclaimer : Your mind will try to tell you that there 's no need to write everything . BUT , YOU HAVE TO .

  3. 福布斯的咨询律师卡伊·法尔肯贝里说她还没听说过法律免责声明派上用场的时候,尽管它们可能在一方试图保持信息机密的商业机密案中被当作是具有说服力的证据。

    Forbes ' in-house legal counsel , Kai Falkenberg , says she knows of no cases that have relied on legal disclaimers , though she says they might serve as persuasive17 evidence in a trade secrets case where a party was attempting to keep information confidential18 .

  4. 一些电子制造商也发布3D电视的免责声明来保护自己的合法要求。

    Some electronics manufacturers have issued disclaimers on3D TV sets to protect themselves from legal claims .

  5. 免责声明:IBM的顾客有确保他们拥有的是合法需求遵循的职责。

    Disclaimer : IBM customers are responsible for ensuring their own compliance with legal requirements .

  6. 电池使用免责声明:在背景连续使用GPS功能会导至降低电池寿命。

    Battery use disclaimer : Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life .

  7. 如今,这种模版式的免责声明不仅律师在用,银行家、顾问甚至经济学人集团(TheEconomistGroup)等传媒机构都在使用。

    Boilerplate disclaimers are used not just by lawyers , but also by bankers , consultants , and even media organizations like the Economist Group .

  8. 免责声明:本文中所包含的信息未经任何正式的IBM测试,而是以ASIS的形式发布的。

    DISCLAIMER : The information contained in this document has not been submitted to any formal IBM test and is distributed AS IS .

  9. 虽然可以定制DominoWebAccess,并且本文也讨论了许多定制项目,但是我们必须先进行免责声明

    While it is possible to customize Domino Web Access , and several customization projects are discussed in this article , they must be preceded by an important disclaimer

  10. 免责声明:不同版本的InternetExplorer可能有不同的配置参数,很可能有一些配置不能工作。

    Disclaimer : There are a variety of configuration parameters that are possible on different versions of Internet Explorer , and I 'm sure there are combinations that will not work .

  11. 测试结果只是用来研究IBMsolidDBUniversalCache的速度,而不能对实现的数据库性能作出任何定论(参见测试结果免责声明)。

    Results of the tests are shown only to explore the speed of IBM solidDB Universal Cache ; no conclusions of database performance have been made ( see the test results disclaimer ) .

  12. SpamAssassin的FAQ对查找病毒作了免责声明;而另一方面,在查找病毒方面,以下技术做得更好,所以,这份免责声明并不是那么引人注目。

    SpamAssassin 's FAQ disclaims responsibility for finding viruses ; on the other hand , the below techniques do much better in finding them , so the disclaimer is not all that compelling .

  13. 我还记得2008年8月云平台公司Rackspace公司上市的情景(免责声明:我的个人账户已持有Rackspace公司的股票好几年了)。

    I remember when Rackspace ( rax ) went public in August of 2008 ( Disclaimer : I have owned shares of Rackspace in my personal account for several years ) .

  14. 福布斯的咨询律师KaiFalkenberg说她知道在任何情况下都不要指望法律免责声明,尽管它们可能在一方试图保持信息机密的商业机密案中被当作是具有说服力的证据。

    Forbes in-house legal counsel , Kai Falkenberg , says she knows of no cases that have relied on legal disclaimers , though she says they might serve as persuasive evidence in a trade secrets case where a party was attempting to keep information confidential .

  15. 这个还在上学的小女孩,在自己的网站上还写有一项免责声明。

    The schoolgirl 's problem solving does come with a disclaimer .

  16. 所以我们会有免责声明…还有保险。

    That 's why we have disclaimers ... And insurance .

  17. 在阅读本文之前,请先阅读免责声明。

    Please read the disclaimer before you read this article .

  18. 我们电子邮件后面的免责声明怎会变得如何荒唐?

    How did our email addenda grow so ridiculous ?

  19. 既然免责声明毫无用处,那大家为什么还用呢?

    If disclaimers are toothless , why use them ?

  20. 免责声明文本是插入到邮件中的文本。

    The disclaimer text is the text that is inserted into a message .

  21. 免责声明:读者有责任确保自己遵从法律规定。

    Disclaimer : The reader is responsible for ensuring his own compliance with legal requirements .

  22. 你的电子邮件后面附有免责声明吗?

    Does your email have a tail ?

  23. 说实话,免责声明哦。

    Truth be told , disclaimer .

  24. 免责声明:本破解方法需要您自担风险,可能会损坏您的手机!

    Disclaimer : Do this hack at your own risk , you may damage your phone !

  25. 但是除了一份免责声明之外,并没有向外界披露任何有关这个案子的详情。

    But other than an announcement of exoneration , details of the case were never disclosed .

  26. 请查看您的原始许可协议,了解关于有限担保或担保免责声明的详细信息。

    Please see your original license agreement for details of our limited warranty or warranty disclaimer .

  27. 免责声明与必要披露信息

    Disclaimers and required disclosure information

  28. 此免责声明被认为是互联网上涉及到著作的一部分。

    This disclaimer is to be regarded as part of the internet publication which you were referred from .

  29. 不过作为一个免责声明,我一直在使用消费类硬件产品,而不是高端专业的东西。

    As a disclaimer , though , I 've been using consumer hardware , not high-end professional stuff .

  30. 免责声明:此网页只是概括地写和只是一般性分享而已。

    Disclaimer : This website has been written in general terms and is intended for general sharing only .