
fū qī tè yǒu cái chǎn
  • peculiar property of spouses
  1. 夫妻个人特有财产权具体表现为夫妻对个人财产享有所有权和管理权。

    The personal property right is embodied in ownership and the right of management .

  2. 增设了夫妻个人特有财产制度、进一步完善了约定财产制度。

    Besides , the couple 's individual property system is added and agreed property system is improved .

  3. 把个人的权利还位于个人&试论夫妻个人特有财产制

    Giving the Rights of Individuals Back to Them : A Study of the Special Property Ownership between Husband and Wife

  4. 我国建立了与台湾地区相类似的夫妻个人特有财产制度,完善了夫妻共同财产的范围和约定财产制;

    China has established a similar martial property system to Taiwan and perfected the scope of marital community property and Husband-wife agreed property system .

  5. 夫妻对其个人特有财产具有完全的所有权,享有占有、使用、收益、处分和管理的权能。

    Husband and wife have the ownership of their personal property totally , including the right to possess , to use , to get the profits , to disposal and to manage . However , marriage is a kind of union .