首页 / 词典 / good


jìng zhòng
  • highly esteem;look up to with great respect;deeply respect;revere;homage;venerate;esteem
敬重 [jìng zhòng]
  • [homage]恭敬尊重

  • 士兵列队向他们的长官表示敬重

敬重[jìng zhòng]
  1. 众神祝福最后福音期开启,万王称颂全民内心敬重。

    Blessed to open the last dispensation , Kings shall extol him , and nations revere .

  2. 他们家在这一带一直颇受敬重。

    Their family has always been well thought of around here .

  3. 她深受同事的敬重。

    She is held in high esteem by her colleagues .

  4. 他非常受军官同僚的敬重。

    He was greatly respected by his brother officers .

  5. 他对她非常敬重。

    He held her in high regard .

  6. 她一直对我很诚实。我非常敬重她这一点。

    She had always been honest with me , and I respect her for that .

  7. 她在国际社会中非常受人敬重。

    She is a well respected member of the international community .

  8. 建筑业的同行们都非常敬重他。

    He is held in high esteem by colleagues in the construction industry

  9. 他的小说和剧本使他非常受人敬重。

    He is highly respected for his novels and plays

  10. 他们家族在宫廷中无疑颇受敬重。

    Their family was certainly well regarded at court .

  11. 他需要从他敬重的人那里获得建议,而他一向都很敬重你。

    He needs the advice of people he respects , and he respects you .

  12. 出于对他的敬重,在他祈祷时我低下了头。

    Out of deference to him , I lowered my head as he prayed .

  13. 我非常敬重迪安。

    I have tremendous respect for Dean

  14. 邻居们很敬重他。

    He was esteemed by his neighbours

  15. 读者都对这位作家十分敬重。

    The readers held this writer in great esteem .

  16. 我们都很敬重这位老教师。

    We all have great respect for the old teacher .

  17. 他受到朋友们的敬重。

    He enjoyed the esteem of his friends .

  18. 人们都十分敬重这位老兵。

    People have great respect for the war veteran .

  19. 他们都很敬重他。

    They all held him in great esteem .

  20. 他的才能值得我们敬重。

    His abilities command our respect .

  21. 人们对那个人非常敬重,因此他讲的话就有分量。

    People have a great deal of respect for that man , therefore what he says carries weight .

  22. 拿我来说,一切尊贵的,叫人敬重的劳动、考验和折磨都使我乏味。

    For my part , I abominate all honorable respectable toils , trials , and tribulations of every kind whatsoever .

  23. 司马迁一直很敬重李陵,他不信李陵会无缘无故投降,便谏言皇上不要听信谣言。

    Ze-ma Chian , who had always respected Li Ling , believed that he wouldn 't surrender without a reason , and urged the emperor not to believe rumors2 .

  24. 这也是出于对这位数学家、诺贝尔经济学奖得主的一种敬重。约翰•纳什患有偏执型精神分裂症,是电影《美丽心灵》(ABeautifulMind)主人翁的原型。

    ' in honor of the mathematician , Nobel laureate and subject of the film ' A Beautiful Mind , ' who suffered from paranoid schizophrenia .

  25. doug,我们向来很敬重你和你的公司。

    Doug , we always respected you and your company .

  26. 巴黎旗舰店内的Petith精品店像画廊一样陈列着各色艺术品,更是强化了对工艺的敬重。

    The Petit h boutique within the Paris flagship amplifies that reverence for craftsmanship with gallery-like displays of objets d'art .

  27. 这样的声势来自香港市民,但也得到一些受人敬重的经济学家的支持,其中包括国际清算银行(bis)等国际组织的经济学家。

    That momentum comes from the people of Hong Kong , but it has support from respected economists , including some at multinational organisations such as the bank for international settlements .

  28. 尊重知识是人的重要特征之一,拉丁文称知识为scientia,因而science(科学)成为最受敬重的那一部分知识。

    Respecting knowledge is one of the most important characteristics of human . In Latin , it is called scientia , therefore science has become the most respected part of knowledge .

  29. 一些人在巴克莱开始合并进程之前就离开了,例如颇受敬重的雷曼全球并购业务联席主管马克沙弗(markshafir)跳到了花旗。

    Some left before Barclays began the merger process , such as the respected co-head of mergers and acquisitions mark Shafir , who went to Citigroup .

  30. 奥运会是一个备受敬重的世界性现象&在这种场合,或许不适合播放一则放响屁的亨氏(Heinz)番茄酱瓶广告。

    The Olympics are a worldwide phenomenon treated with somber respect & perhaps not the place for , say , a Heinz ketchup bottle making a fart noise .