
  • 网络coupon;vouchers;scrip
  1. 谷歌的安卓系统也提供类似服务,名为谷歌钱包(GoogleWallet),而苹果前不久也推出了一项可存储忠诚卡信息和购物券的服务。

    Google 's Android also has a similar service , Google Wallet , and Apple recently introduced a service to store loyalty-card information and coupons .

  2. 有些家庭主妇有收集购物券的嗜好。

    Some homemakers make a hobby of collecting coupons .

  3. 我还是认为,他们寄来优惠购物券,而不是退款,真是有些厚颜无耻。

    I still think it 's a bit of a cheek sending a voucher rather than a refund

  4. 根据NHS(英国国民健康保险制度)的这个方案,那些减重的人将会获得现金或者购物券。

    Under the NHS-backed scheme , those who shed the pounds will be rewarded with cash or shopping vouchers .

  5. 一张来自她最爱的药店的购物券也是个不错的主意。

    A gift card to her favorite pharmacy is a great idea .

  6. 有个老师攒了几年的购物券,买了一套新的卧室家具。

    One teacher saved up several years ' worth and bought a new bedroom suite .

  7. 收到购物券总是很不错的,尤其是特别适合你的购物券。

    It 's always nice to get vouchers , especially if they 're tailored to you .

  8. 她们从每日的报纸上,杂志上,假日增刊上,或包装上剪下可减价或打折的购物券。

    They check the daily newspaper , magazines , Sunday supplements or package labels for rebates and cents-off coupons .

  9. 购物券记录,卡号,卡号金额,使用金额,卡号余额,使用说明。

    Shopping coupon records , card No. , used money amount , balance of the card , using introduction .

  10. 如果你要送百货公司购物券,就要选一家既有精品也有必需品的商店。

    If you give from a department store , try to choose one that stocks both essentials and necessities .

  11. 我打开信封,看到里面有两张面值是20美元的食品店购物券。

    When I opened the envelope , I found two grocery certificates inside , each was worth $ 20 .

  12. “最大享‘瘦’者”竞赛就是其中一项比赛内容,在八周内减掉最多体重的参赛员工可获得价值130英磅的购物券。

    One competition , called The Biggest Loser , has a130-pounds gift in store for the participant who loses the most weight in eight weeks .

  13. 其中线下餐饮购物券200万张,智能产品消费券80万张。

    Two million coupons can be used at participating restaurants and retailers in Beijing , and 800 thousand coupons can buy products equipped with smart technologies .

  14. 如果中国效仿其他亚洲国家发放购物券的话,尤其是向城镇居民发放,可能会有所受益。

    If the Chinese follow the example of other Asian countries if the vouchers could be issued , especially to the urban residents , may benefit .

  15. 该解释还详细说明了嫌疑人接受以下经济好处也将视作受贿,如住房装修,旅游优惠和购物券。

    The interpretation also clarified that rewards of monetary value given to suspects will be considered bribes , including home furnishing , travel packages and shopping coupons .

  16. 参加展销会的农民将得到具有现金价值的购物券,他们可以在种子、肥料、工具和提供的耕作服务中选择购买对象。

    Attending farmers receive vouchers with cash values , so that they can choose what to purchase among the seeds , fertilizers , tools and tillage services on offer .

  17. 当被问到奖励形式都有哪些时,他说道:可能是购物券,或者现金,也可能是奖品。

    Asked what sorts of rewards could be offered , he said : ' It could be shopping vouchers , it could be cash , it could be prizes . '

  18. 国外也存在类似于我国购物卡券的现象,并围绕该现象形成了一系列相关的制度规范。

    There are similar phenomena as shopping cards and certifications in foreign country , and regulations related have been well founded .

  19. 更多的改变包括将发放给移民的现金换成实物福利,比如购物代金券或车票。

    Further changes replaced the cash payments migrants receive with benefits in kind , such as vouchers for consumer goods or bus tickets .

  20. 因此,笔者对购物卡券的利弊进行了分析,列举了购物卡券的优点,反驳了某些强加在购物卡券头上欲加之罪,希望以此能够使公众正确客观地认识购物卡券。

    Because of that , the author analyzes the advantages and disadvantages by listing them and refutes some prejudice , in order to make people understand the shopping cards and certifications in a correct way .

  21. 益普索会奖励完成网上调研的用户,提供在如亚马逊或者约翰路易斯购物的代金券。

    Ipsos rewards users for completing surveys online , offering vouchers from the likes of Amazon and John Lewis .