
  • 【建】traffic generation
  1. 视频检测技术用于轨道交通产生了一个新应用领域。

    Video Detection produces a new application area in rail transportation .

  2. 相比较而言,地面交通产生的占22%。

    Surface transport , by contrast , produces 22 % .

  3. 城市道路交通产生的振动对环境的影响

    The Environmental Effect Evoked by the City Road Traffic

  4. 新型区域公路网交通产生量预测方法研究

    A New Method of Highway Traffic Generation Forecast

  5. 其主要污染源为工业粉尘、烟尘,机动车排放的尾气,建筑施工及道路交通产生的尘污染。

    Its main pollution sources were industrial dust , smoke dust , exhaust emission and construction and traffic dust .

  6. 城市地铁施工工程涉及的站点较多、范围较广,将对城市交通产生严重的影响。

    Urban subway construction project involves more stops and broader extension , which would have a significant impact to urban traffic .

  7. 这两种黏性物质主要由公路交通产生:83%的细颗粒物以及46%的氮氧化物污染。

    Road transport produces most of both types of gunk : 83 % of the fine particles and46 % of the nitrogen pollution .

  8. 最后给出模型的算法,并通过算例分析拥挤收费的费率对交通产生的影响。

    Finally , the model algorithm is given . An example is given to analyze the traffic impact of rate of congestion pricing .

  9. 中心区地下商业街施工周期长、占用较多道路资源,对城市交通产生严重的负面影响。

    The CBD underground commercial street construction needs to occupy more road resources for a long time , which would impose serious impacts on urban transportation .

  10. 跨座式轻轨轨道采用简支梁结构,铸钢支座需承受所有荷载,其强度将对轻轨交通产生决定性的影响。

    In design of light railcar used freely supported beam , the cast steel pedestals will bear complex loads , which include weight , acceleration and wind , etc.

  11. 城市交通产生的能源消耗量和温室气体的排放量逐年上升,深圳市面临着能源短缺和生存环境日益恶化的双重危机。

    Energy consumption produced by urban passenger traffic and greenhouse gas emissions is rising year by year , Shenzhen is facing dual crisis of energy shortage and environment worsening .

  12. 当今的中国,城市化的进程不断加快,国民经济持续高速发展,各种商业项目开发建设的规模也越来越大,其对城市交通产生的影响更为明显和严重。

    Today in China , urbanization has been accelerating and national economy growing rapidly , so the scales of various business development and construction projects are getting even larger , which affect urban traffic more directly and severely .

  13. 城市用地布局是城市交通产生的源,而我国现阶段城市交通规划仅是在已有城市布局的基础上对城市交通进行规划组织,没有与城市用地布局规划很好结合。

    Urban land-use layout is the source of urban trip generation ; However , current urban transportation planning only is made out and organized on base of the existing urban land-use layout , which has not combined with the future urban land-use layout very well .

  14. 土地利用是城市交通问题产生的根源。

    The urban traffic problem comes of the urban land use .

  15. 西安市城市轨道交通建设产生的环境效益分析

    Analysis on the environmental benefit of urban rail transit construction in Xi'an

  16. 在人为因素中,疲劳驾驶是交通事故产生的一个重要原因。

    Driver fatigue as human factor is a significant cause of traffic accidents .

  17. 对商业司机施加压力会对交通拥挤产生立即效应。

    Tightening the screws on business drivers would have an immediate effect on traffic congestion .

  18. 事实也是如此,通过我们的多个网络系统的交通会产生损害。

    And so it is , the traffic through our multiple network systems produce damage .

  19. 城市交通污染产生的根源在于城市交通的负外部效应。

    The external negative effects of urban traffic is the root cause for urban traffic pollution .

  20. 交通问题产生的根本原因是城市交通需求与交通供给的不平衡。

    The imbalance of urban transportation supplies and demand is the root cause of traffic problems .

  21. 分析了我国城市交通拥堵产生的原因,并提出了相应的解决办法。

    An appraisal model for the status and solving strategy of traffic jam in Kunming city ;

  22. 设置公交专用道将对城市道路交通状态产生重大影响。

    Traffic state will be significantly influenced if reserved public transport lane was set up in urban road .

  23. 本文研究的对象为城市高架轨道交通系统产生的振动对周围环境的影响。

    The object of the paper researched is the influence of vibration around environment induced by city viaduct railway traffic system .

  24. 因此,社会各界对于汽车消费及其引发的交通问题产生了极大的关注。

    Therefore , the social from all walks of life produced great attention for the car consumption and its cause traffic problems .

  25. 因此,对交通拥堵产生的原因、演化发展的过程进行实际观测是十分有意义的。

    Therefore , the study of the cause of traffic jams and the evolution of the development of actual congestion is very meaningful .

  26. 城市交通所产生的负外部性与交通系统对共有产权特征的环境资源的使用消耗有关。

    The negative externality of urban transport is the related to consumption of the environmental resources which are characterized by common property right .

  27. 文章通过分析交通事故产生的途径,着重研究了道路因素对于交通安全的影响。

    By analyzing the cause of traffic accident , the paper put emphasizes on studying the effect to traffic safety caused by road factor .

  28. 同时,社会经济活动及其发展是城市形态与交通需求产生的原因和相互联系的纽带。

    Finally , the factors of social and economic development have important impacts on both the urban forms and urban traffic demand , and their reciprocity .

  29. 交通荷载产生的波频率低,传播较深,因此利用交通荷载产生的表面波能获的更深土层的参数。

    Rayleigh wave generated by traffic can spread farther than the general load , because its wave length is shorter , so we can use it to test deep-seated soils .

  30. 结论汽车废气是使外勤警碳氧血红蛋白饱和度增高的主要因素,已对交通警察产生一定的健康影响。

    Conclusion The automobile exhaust was a main factor resulting in higher levels of saturation of carboxyhemoglobin in exposure group and had a certain impact on traffic policemen 's health .