
  • 网络SARDINIA;island of Sardinia;Sardegna
  1. 在撒丁岛,小鹿侵入一个高尔夫球场,随后在会所的游泳池里畅游。

    Fallow deer invade a golf course on Sardinia and take a dip in the clubhouse swimming pool .

  2. 在今年7月g8撒丁岛峰会之前,意大利必须解决这一问题。

    Italy must address this before the G8 meeting in Sardinia in July .

  3. 该基础项目将建造一个高压直流(HVDC)电力系统,连接撒丁岛与意大利半岛的电网。

    The infrastructure will deliver a High Voltage Direct Current ( HVDC ) power system connecting the grids of Sardinia and peninsular Italy .

  4. 中国财团的成员韩力,被拍到在撒丁岛豪华的切尔托萨别墅(VillaCertosa)外与贝卢斯科尼举着一件AC米兰球衣握手。

    Han Li , a member of the Chinese consortium , was photographed lifting an AC Milan shirt and shaking Mr Berlusconi 's hand outside the luxurious Villa Certosa in Sardinia .

  5. ASF在伊比利亚半岛已经存在了几十年,直到90年代后期才被根除。在意大利的撒丁岛还有极个别的地方有被感染的情况。

    A very limited focus of the infection is still present in the Italian island of Sardinia .

  6. 在撒丁岛(Sardinia)度假时,全家人会把桶都装满水,体验扎染技术。

    During our summer vacations in Sardinia , [ the family ] would fill buckets with water and experiment with the tie-dye technique .

  7. 尽管历史学家Cannonau同意的事实是,在撒丁岛引入西班牙人统治的,目前还不清楚什么是原来的繁杂,它属于。

    Despite historians agree on the fact Cannonau was introduced in Sardinia during the dominion of Spaniards , it is not clear what is the original variety to which it belongs to .

  8. 在撒丁岛中部Orani地区,一些赋存在古生代变质岩和花岗岩中的滑石-绿泥石-长石矿体一直处于露天开采状态。

    In the district of Orani , central Sardinia , several talc-chlorite-feldspar bodies , hosted in Palaeozoic metamorphic rocks and granites , have long been mined by open - pit operations .

  9. 他居住在撒丁岛和世界上许多其他地方。

    He lives in Sardinia and many places in the world .

  10. 五个人登上了从撒丁岛到伦敦的班机。

    The five men boarded the flight from Sardinia to London .

  11. 这种真菌是在撒丁岛的一个阴沟口发现的。

    The fungus was found in a sewage outflow in sardinia .

  12. 但是,和撒丁岛一样,冲绳有很少社会建构

    But , like Sardinia , Okinawa has a few social constructs

  13. 撒丁岛人居住在垂直房屋里,上下楼梯

    Sardinians live in vertical houses , up and down the stairs .

  14. 他们的节目反映了撒丁岛的宗教传统以及社会、政治风情。

    They give expressions typical of religious and social-political traditions in Sardinia .

  15. 这些地方包括美国的夏威夷,意大利的撒丁岛,加拿大的新斯科舍和日本。

    Hawaii , Sardinia , Nova Scotia and Japan are amongst them .

  16. 对于一个比较正式的夏季聚会,这些撒丁岛烤串是完美的。

    For a more formal summer get-together , these Sardinian skewers are perfect .

  17. 这时有人给他买了两张去撒丁岛的机票。

    And someone buys him two tickets to sardinia .

  18. 6天后你就能在撒丁岛了。

    Six days from now , john , you 'll be in sardinia .

  19. 再来看看撒丁岛布满虫蛆的非法芝士:卡苏马苏。

    Take Sardinia 's illegal maggot-ridden cheese casu marzu .

  20. 其队友贾里马蒂·拉特瓦拉也在撒丁岛飞翔了。

    Team-mate Jari-Matti Latvala also flew in Sardinia .

  21. 进入撒丁岛的酒吧

    You go into the bars in Sardinia ,

  22. 在希腊和撒丁岛,竖大拇指等同于竖中指。

    The thumbs-up sign is equivalent to the middle finger in Greece and Sardinia .

  23. 撒丁岛多发性硬化症患者出生的季节波动性

    Seasonal fluctuation of multiple sclerosis bir-ths in Sardinia

  24. 在撒丁岛,年纪越大

    Here in Sardinia , the older you get

  25. 我们得去撒丁岛去见一下布鲁克和道格。

    We have to go to Sardinia to pop in on brook and Dougie winston .

  26. 高温也助长了今天席卷撒丁岛和意大利南部的大火。

    The heat also helped fires that are sweeping across Sardinia and Southern Italy today .

  27. 靠近本国的其他岛屿,比如撒丁岛和科西嘉岛是诱人的入侵目标。

    Close to home , other islands like Sardinia and Corsica make tempting targets for invasion .

  28. 撒丁岛有其他葡萄酒价值的代表,以及-或者不如说葡萄-其他太多。

    Sardinia has worth representatives in other wines as well-or better to say-in other grapes too .

  29. 地中海位于意大利、科西嘉列岛和撒丁岛以及西西里岛之间的海湾。

    An arm of the Mediterranean between Italy and the islands of Corsica and Sardinia and Sicily .

  30. 某训练基地成立,在撒丁岛和139武器和弹药库被隐藏在意大利北部。

    A training base was set-up in Sardinia and139 weapons and ammunition dumps were hidden in Northern Italy .