
kōnɡ zhōnɡ ɡuǎnɡ ɡào
  • skywriting
  1. 你想你的时候到空中广告。

    Times you want your advert to go on air .

  2. 肯尼亚媒体委员会已经表明了自己的方式拒绝播放煽动性的空中广告。

    The Kenyan media Council has shown the way by refusing to air inflammatory government radio advertisements .

  3. 还有路牌广告、霓虹灯广告、交通广告、电影广告、空中广告、汽球广告、邮递广告、幻灯广告、电台广告等。

    Besides , there were also road sign ads , neon sign , transportation sign , slide ads , etc.

  4. 有人提出理论说,要不了几年,广告商就能够用增强现实技术在显眼的地方放置漂浮在空中的电子广告,戴上特别的眼镜或隐形眼镜就能看见这种广告。

    It 's been theorized that in just a few years advertisers will be able to use augmented reality to float digital ads in prominent places that you would need special glasses or contacts to see .

  5. 广泛用于公园、护栏、桥梁、大厦、楼体轮廓、跨街空中走廊、广告招牌等,是城市亮化工程的首选产品。

    Comprehensive used for park , fencing wall , bridge , edifice , floor body adumbration , step street air corridor , ad brand and so on , city bright change the first choice of construction product .